Organizations and committees

iMED Organizational Structure

The iMED programme committee (IPC) has responsibilities for overall implementation of the programme. Members are:

  • Prof. Anders Lund (coordinator of iMED and chair of committee)
  • Associate prof. Jesper Andersen (Head of BRIC Postdoc program)
  • Senior consultant Katrine Sonne-Hansen (team leader research support).

The selection committee (SC) will be overall responsible for selection of candidates for the programme. The committee is headed by prof. Anders Lund and members are the IPC members and four external experts in PhD training:

  • Dr. Graça Raposo, Institut Curie, France
  • Assoc. Prof. Petr Svoboda, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Republic,
  • Prof. Sara Ek, Department of Immunotechnology, Lund University, Sweeden
  • Prof. Luciano Di Croce, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spain.

Training advisory board (TAB)

The four independent international experts (see SC) will also act as a TAB, advising the iMED coordinator and the IPC on issues regarding fellow training and career development.

Ombudsman Prof. Nils Billestrup, former head of the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences and current acting ‘named person’ at the Faculty, will act as a student ombudsman supporting the fellows during implementation of the programme.

Ethical advisor An independent ethical advisor will be appointed at program start and oversee the ethical considerations of the individual research projects.


Five iMED partners will provide specialized training, research visits and career activities to the iMED students.

  • EU-LIFE alliance: Research visits and international PhD courses
  • Science communication training
  • Novo Nordisk A/S: Competence mapping, CV writing and interview training